Our journey to build a better world has already begun

Our journey to build a better world has already begun
At Misitano & Stracuzzi, we have always believed that sustainability should not be limited to respect for and protection of the environment. For us, sustainability is a broader concept encompassing at least three characteristics: environmental, financial and social.
We constantly strive to reduce the impact of our production on the planet by minimising waste of water and energy resources and by promoting differentiation, recycling and proper disposal of scrap material and packaging during the production cycle through local waste collection consortia. Moreover, we constantly monitor the operating parameters of our production lines and continuously improve processes by leveraging on technological innovation. We know that, while operating in an increasingly difficult and competitive global market, it is still possible to reconcile trade and financial objectives with the all-important need to reduce the environmental impact of every stage of industrial production, in order to ensure a better, fertile, liveable and unpolluted planet for future generations.
As an affirmation of our genuine commitment, we have obtained the ISO 14001:2015 certification for our environmental management system. We have also submitted the Company to the assessment of EcoVadis with regard to our environmental, ethical, social and supply chain sustainability, for which we have won a silver medal - with a score of 66/100 - that places us 86% above of all the companies assessed on an international scale
We buy our fruit exclusively from local farms that practice sustainable agriculture, most of which are evaluated via the SAI Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) platform. In addition, 80% of our processed citrus fruits come from suppliers certified under GLOBALG.A.P./GRASP, an international standard that validates both the sustainability of our production cycle and the safety of our food products.
For our company, financial sustainability is no less important than environmental sustainability. We adopt responsible management practices, both at the administrative and the financial level, to support an efficient circular economy that creates local value and prosperity and encourages good governance practices. We promote the development of a balanced economy by buying fruit and other ingredients from suppliers at an equitable price, making payments within the agreed deadlines and offering customers products that are good value for money.
Our sustainability commitment also encompasses social aspects. Over the years, we have created a growing number of direct and indirect jobs, we have focused on developing partnerships with local companies and a short supply chain. In addition, we have promoted welfare initiatives to support our employees, whom we regard as a strategic asset and whom we intend to provide with a dynamic and stimulating work environment. We are members of Sedex, a non-profit organisation committed to disseminating and prompting ethical principles across global supply chains. Sedex is the largest European organisation of its kind in terms of the amount of data collected on working conditions, health and safety, environment and business ethics.