Board of Statutory Auditors

The Board of Statutory Auditors consists of 3 Standing Auditors and 2 Alternate Auditors who remain in office for 3 years and can be re-elected. The current Board was appointed during the Shareholders’ Meeting held on July 11, 2024 and will hold office until the approval of the financial statements as of December 31, 2026.

The members of the Board of Statutory Auditors currently in office are shown below:

All members of the Board of Statutory Auditors meet the requirements of integrity and professionalism set out by article 148, par. 4, of the italian TUF.
Melo Martella - Chaiman of the Board of Statutory Auditors

He received, in 1991, a degree in Economics from the University of Messina and later a Doctorate in Tax Law from the Faculty of Law at University of Catania. In 2019, he attended the Postgraduate Course “Management of Public Administrations” at SDA Bocconi.

He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants (since 1994 of Messina and now of Barcelona P.G.) and of the Register of Auditors. He is a lecturer in Tax Law in the graduate course in Business Management of the Department of Economics at the University of Messina. He has held numerous professorships at the same University, has been a speaker at numerous conferences and is the author of numerous publications on tax matters. He is a statutory auditor at several national companies.

He has held and still holds several positions of primary importance, including Component of the Surveillance Committee of Caronte&Tourist Spa, Court Accounted Expert, Consultant of the Public Prosecutor and of the Preliminary Investigation Judge at the Courts of Patti, Barcellona P.G. (ME), Messina and Palermo in the field of accounting, financial, tax, corporate and bankruptcy crimes.

Giulio Ciocchetti - Standing Statutory Advisor

He received his bachelor's degree in Administration and Control from the University of Pavia in 2007 and his master's degree in Economics and Business Legislation, from the same university, in 2010; he has been a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Vercelli since 2013 and a member of the Register of Auditors kept at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

He has been financial advisor and auditor since 2014, serving as a consultant and holding leading roles, including, starting in 2015, financial advisor and auditor at the auditing firm PWC Spa, as well as, between 2020 and 2022, the role of lecturer at COVERFOP - Cosortium for Professional Training of Vercelli.

Barbara Ricciardi - Standing Statutory Advisor

She graduated in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". She qualified as Chartered Accountant in 1994 and has been a member of the Register of Auditors since 1999.

She carries out her professional activity in her own firm, assisting clients in corporate and tax matters. She is a Statutory Auditor or Statutory Alternate Auditor at national companies, and Auditor of the Order of Architects of Rome. She has been a member of the Assembly of Delegates of the "Cassa di Previdenza e Assistenza dei Dottori Commercialisti" since 2016 and until 2024. She is an associate of "Nedcommunity-Associazione italiana amministratori non esecutivi e indipendenti" (Italian Association of Non-Executive and Independent Directors) and has participated in the third Refresher Course “The Effective Board” (TEB) organized by AIDC Section Milan and Nedcommunity.

Giuseppe Bulotta - Alternate Statutory Advisor

He received his bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Messina in 2013 and his master's degree in Counseling and the Profession, from the same university, in 2015.

He has held and holds to date several positions of primary importance, including member of the Surveillance Committee of companies such as Consorzio A.P.A.M. Società Cooperativa, Maiorana Costruzioni Srl, and the position of Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at the ITT-LSSA Copernico Public Institution located in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME).

Antonina Molica - Alternate Statutory Auditor

She graduated in Economics from the University of Messina in 2004. She has been practicing as a chartered accountant and auditor since 2011.

She is a bankruptcy trustee and expert negotiator of business crisis. She has held and holds to date several positions of primary importance, including Statutory Auditor at IRFIS - FinSicilia Spa, SRR Messina e Provincia Società Consortile P.A., Accounted Expert at the Court of Patti (ME), Consultant of the Public Prosecutor, Judicial Custodian and delegate to the sale.